Maintaining good health at work should be easy💡

And that shouldn’t be controversial

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Our promise

Mutedo is the digital workplace assistant on a mission to create flourishing and healthy workplaces.

Despite best efforts 78% of employees end up never getting help before it’s too late(01). Our promise is to ensure that neither employee nor employer faces the risk of overlooking a health concern again.

To fulfill that promise, we lead with science and partner with some of the most ambitious companies to give people the right support at the right time.

What we believe

Our guiding stars

The world is complex and confusing, our goal is to be a beacon of guidance. We challenge conventions, break down barriers, and inspire collective action

Passionately Proven

We are passionate about science, data, and evidence. But we warmly embrace the human touch too.

Ease over complexity

Taking care of our health can be very complicated and daunting. We make ‘healthy’ the easy choice.

Human-centered experiences

We empower the individual to take control of their health journey, uniting people to forge a brighter, more collaborative future.

Where it started 🚩

In 2023, Oliver Møller (CEO) and Asger Conradsen (CTO) embarked on a mission to transform the health and wellbeing industry.

Their journey began when Oliver, working on health insurance strategy in the Nordics, suffered a concussion. Despite his unique position, he struggled with navigating and grasping his care journey, making several preventable mistakes that ultimately led to lasting disabilities. Frustrated by the reactive and insufficient care system, Oliver was motivated to seek change.

Enter Asger, a software engineer with experience in Big Tech and startups, passionate about wellbeing and data privacy. He recognized the need for a transformation in digital health's user experience, aiming for a safe, intuitive, and personalized approach.

Today, Mutedo merges Oliver’s corporate wellbeing insights with Asger’s digital expertise, alongside leading clinicians and health experts, to foster a holistic approach that empowers organizations to improve health and wellbeing.

Try Mutedo for free

Schedule a demo session and explore how you can benefit from deploying Mutedo in your organization.

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